Sunday, November 6, 2011


i’ve felt myself slip out,
through an ivory cage,
i’ve watched it escape,
going so far away.
my mind never rests,
it just spins, dizzy
like the organs of heavy machinery.
my body deflates,
mimicking forest green vacation mattresses,
where you let all your effort
and i’ll just let all of me
what keeps my head heavy,
rides on my back,
and weighs down my chest,
and waits for me
to let it win.
but it knows,
i’ve already let it win.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


it can feel
like breaking plates,
like screeching car tires;
the sound of shuffling metal chairs
against stone-colored
linoleum floors.
as though your breath,
can hang so heavily,
as it lingers,
and waits for a sign,
any sign,
that it can relax.
like footsteps that trail
behind you,
stomping loudly, and boldly,
and your eyes just
swim circles,
hoping for it to pass.
pressing your fingertips
into a delicate ocean,
as the temperature
trickles through your skin,
pace yourself.
like gazes locked shut
a vision of love with
such an unthinkable depth,
you’ve such gentle waters.
and when we have lost
our mouths,
with no words to be held,
it will mail all of my letters
to you.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

i forgot how to write

i've burned a hole through myself;
like the sun, how it scalds
the fair skinned
at a quarter past three.
the way a cigarette releases
a translucent dance
of ghosts, of shapes,
until it has withered itself
how my eyes can work their way
through walls,
and faces,
and no stare can appear as hollow
as i can.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

avec l'amour

perfume breath,
breathe deep for me,
crushed velvet eyes,
you keep for me,
spider web words,
weave around me,
rise, and fall,
and breathe deep for me.

such heavy lids
like a fixed shutter speed
they lay low, stay low,
half mast, with love.
they glide so gently
like your body.
your silk wrapped bones,
draped over, and around my own.

with telescope limbs,
i extend for you,
i look for you,
in everything.
stone tablets
weigh down my chest,
engraved with the summer wind of letters,
of affection,
you string through cherry lips.

candour hands;
puzzle piece fingers,
magnetic palms,
i am yours,
breathe in for me.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

shapeless love

i'm a fort made of sheets,
held in place with ivory shapes,
skin like milk,
silhouettes hang
thick as air,
thick as air.

i'm the stones in the sea,
i've sunken down,
and been retrieved,
into your palms,
i fit so sweet,
round me out,
round me out.

i'm a tree in the wind,
firm i stay,
but sway within
as heavy breaths
move me again,
hold me still,
hold me still.

i'm the body that you touch,
ridged and uneven,
as mountain tops,
smooth like satin,
please don't stop,
your fingertips,
your fingertips.

i'm the moon of every night,
i'll switch to sun,
and give you light,
i see darkness,
you keep me bright,
undying love,
undying love.

you are the picture on the wall,
stoic and framed,
you stand so tall,
you give me everything,
you let me have it all,
never strings,
never strings.

you are the love inside of me,
you'll always stay,
you're part of me,
you are all
i'll ever need,
my sweet,
my sweet.